
How Much Does a Website or Social Media Management Cost?

The short answer is, it varies depending on your needs... but we know that you would like to have a figure, so we have broken down the costs for you below so that you can plan ahead with your budget.

If you want to learn more about what we do and how ONE simple change to your website can increase sales 2-5x watch our free training video.

How Much Does a Website Cost?

A website is only as good as the value it brings back to you. If a website does not generate leads or sales for your business there is no point in having one.

We optimise our websites to get leads through content creation, setting up funnels to increase your sales and we help you with targeting the right audience.

We talk in more detail about this in our resources section. If you want to understand more about how you can do this, you can watch our free training video.

Base Site - A Solid Structure

This is the site structure we use for all of our websites; this is the entry level website and works best when you combine it with a targeted campaign on social media until the SEO is ranking your site nicely in the search engines, which can take 6 months.

Crunch Page

When you know who your audience is and what the product is that you want to sell, a crunch page effectively works as your digital salesperson. This is a page that talks about 1 of your services only and often features high quality images, educational content (video or text), testimonials, and how people can get in contact with you.

Competitor Research

You don't want to do what your competition does, but it helps to know what they do to identify how you are different. Knowing your unique value in the market is a powerful tool to get people to use your service instead of theirs.

Base Site
Small site
5 Pages
1 Crunch Page
Contact Form
Technical SEO
AI Generated Text
Responsive Design
Analytics setup
SSL Certificate included
2 Hours of Competitor Research
Free standard hosting for the first year
Schedule call back
Additional services

These prices are indictive but may vary depending on your project.

Human written copy for Base Site
Let our copy writers optimise your site for SEO and Conversion. This is a fixed price for the base site.
Extra pages
An extra page for your site, this can include anything from text base, calendar integration to enabling blogging (in which case we create the template, so its a one off cost). Cost is per page.
Copy for extra pages
We create the copy of your page to optimise it for SEO and Conversion.
If you need an integration with another system for your website the price will depend on the hours spend. This will be an hourly charged rate.

How Much Does Social Media Management / Advertising Cost?

Social media for a business is a tool that can drive success or become a massive distraction hindering business growth.

Managing social media is more than just posting content... it is all about posting the right content for your audience. When you post the right content people will engage, become leads and eventually become a customer.

Social Media management and advertising is all about knowing how to find the right people, and giving them the right message at the right time.

How often should I post on social media?

While you will hear many voices saying every day, we do not recommend this. We found that 1 or 2 posts per week is as effective as posting daily. When you post daily you may turn people away as they might see it as "Spam".
Posting once or twice per week, we can focus on quality content which has proven more efficient.

Content Calendar

A content calendar helps you to stay focused and helps to tell a story. Nothing is worse than having the same content posted over and over again. What if your content could actually tell the story of your product or service and add value to your customers?
Let us help you get it right.

Competitor Research

Yes, even for social media we recommend doing some competitor research. If your posts or ads are exactly the same as everyone else's, you are not going to attract many people.

1 Post Per Week
For 1  social media platform
$450 p/m
Written Copy
1 REEL p/m
1 Post per month with educational content
Posts that are ready to be boosted by you
Content Calendar
Schedule call back
Additional services

These prices are indictive but may vary depending on your project.

Setup Fee
Connecting your accounts to our accounts so that we can manage your channels for you.
One off fee.
Competitor research
We can look at what your competitor ads that are running on the social media channels that you use, and based on that change your content and Ads.
One off fee.
Video Creation
We can create video's for you if you provide us your footage. Our price is per 30 seconds of video content.
Setting up ADS for social media
It is likely that you are here because you saw our ads on social media, or somewhere else. We know how to target your audience, getting the right people to look at your pages or website.
Running your ADS
Once your ads are setup, we can monitor performance and tweak your ads settings to keep your ads relevant to your audience. The cost for running your ads is % based on your budget. For every $100, we take $25 for monitoring performance and making the required tweaks.
Extra Social Platform
Different platforms have different requirements. Wanting to add on another platform to post information to? Depending on your needs this can be done from $300 per month.


Learn how ONE simple change to your site can increase sales by 2-5X